Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Twenty years have broken you down and now you are of age.

I miss the days when my father would drive my family somewhere and I would sit in the back seat....with my CD player or Cassette player...staring out the window and watching anything and everything. Soaking it all in like the intense little sponge I was.
I hate the days that have consumed me. The few times I get the chance to be a passenger in a car I feel an obligation to watch the road. Every time I force myself to look to my right and watch the road fly by....I find my attention averting to the road ahead of me and flibbling traffic!
Grawr. I hate the obligation that came with age 16.
I hate the reasons to say put the past away.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dreams, Be dreams.Dream on.

You know it's bad when you wonder if he wishes he could hold her instead.
Looking and longing. Shoot.
Today was a long day.
Amanda came to church with me this morning and was half dead. She looked like she needed to be in the hospital.
After that we went to the Bryde's house...
It took all of us forever to figure out to eat our "MRE"'s or more like ...cook them without burning our hands off ^^
They're pretty much disgusting. But way better than no food at all right?!
Anyway, not going to lie. I'm getting a bit on the nervous side. Erm.
I know it's the right thing. But this trip can confirm so many things for me. And THAT is what makes me nervous.
I feel things slipping right out of my hands....but at the same time I know I need to let them go.....
It's very...very unfortunate.
Shawn prefers not to grow up.......

Friday, May 14, 2010

Make the tags

Finding at this hour is a pure impossibility.
Loss is all that shall claim stake.
Sympathize with his needs.
Call it in.
Deny the fact that you and me are just breaking it in.
Stop sending me.
Whenever I'm done, it's never enough.
Keep pressing me on.
It's never enough.
Repetition that seems like a love should be less complicated.
You're never putting it back together.
We just keep breaking it in.
Don't bother to find it at this hour.
You cannot put it back together.
You will end in this warped state of chaos and mind.
Will anyone ever be able to reconstruct the patter of this mind?
Oh, please my beloved. Your lips are worthy of sweet kisses.
Scratch that. Take it funky. Leave them stunned.
Leave me someone else and let the thoughts flow.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

You look at them with confusion

You think them to be purely crazy when you see their dreams.
You think them to be disgusting when you see their true desires.
Some do this to cover up their pain.
Some do this because they know they must over exaggerate their hopes because they know if they don't push themselves to the limit they will fail before reaching half their goal.
Don't tell me it's gross.
You don't know half the reason they reach for what they do.
Unfortunately I know.
just keep it locked.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Making it a pact for the sake of the lies.
Let us be reminded of why we tried.
It was tranquil confusion
which ended up languid care.
Rejoice, be alive in His timing.
step up, tell me why I am
Do no more of this vivid lying
step up, tell me what you wanted to be.
Just keep on trying.
tell them why they are, have the strength
Every different soul is precious
you are precious.
That rush is not equal to your only soul.
Change the world in any small way you can
With your one and individual soul.

Short lived pretenses

Never thought I'd be at this.
Never thought we'd be back to this.
We haven't a respected ounce for our God at this point in time.
We change our waves of gratitude with unfortunate blissful states of lies.
The pressure we feel is molding us.
The pressure we feel is turning us.
No more.
I'm done!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


"You know you don't belong here"
It's the lie they have been feeding you from your first breath.
Don't fight it any longer.
Their hate will only make you thrive stronger.
They have said you are a bit too insane
you have beauty dancing around their every moment.
re-cut ya orchestral foe.
Emptiness rephrased,
It sounds just like your heart beating against mine.
Baby, we do lie in safely timing.
If we can run away where we do not know them we could be just like them.
I'm not feeling the strong rush.
Does anyone know why we are here?
We have our money, skeptics and religious fits. But none of them got us here.
Let's leave this as is.
Your open silly wound will heal and it'll keep spinning. Fate is at hand and cryptic intimidation will be with light this time.
No running anymore.
Let us love it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

In too deep and too drawn to keep

you've cut out the heart and buried the shame
you'll find me
deeply hidden in your frame.
I have cheapened the truth and my deepest love.
I cannot continue to fight for who is wrong or who is right.
Replacements must occur